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Celodenní exkurze do Lesní školky, část I

Termín:13.4.2012 (8.00 - 15.00)
Místo konání:Domašov nad Bystřicí - víkendová akce
Anotace:Výjezd studentů s třídou s waldorfskými prvky MŠ Nedvědova 13 v Olomouci do Lesní školky Rarášci v Podolí u Bouzova:

Společný odjezd od Lidlu na ulici Schweitzerova, sraz v 7.45, návrat mezi 15.-16.00 hod. Tento celodenní workshop bude započten jakožto absolvování dvou workshopů.

Třída s waldorfskými prvky „Žabičky“, MŠ Nedvědova Olomouc v Lesní školce Rarášek, Podolí u Bouzova:

Dostatečně dlouhý pobyt dětí venku je nezbytnou součástí života dětí v mateřské škole. Jsme třída, ve které uplatňujeme prvky waldorfské pedagogiky. Hry, činnosti venku jsou pro nás tak důležité, že často organizujeme celodenní pobyt dětí v přírodě.

Zázemí Lesní školky Rarášek v Podolí u Bouzova je pro naše aktivity ideální. Děti navštěvují opakovaně stejné místo – i ty nejmenší pak na změnu obvyklého režimu reagují dobře. Pozorujeme stejné stromy, pole, krajinu – poznáváme, jak se mění v průběhu roku. V lese už přesně víme, které místo je dobré pro stavbu domečků, víme, kde je dobré zastavit se a pozorovat mraveniště…

Během celého dne děti bezprostředně vnímají podněty, které přicházejí z přírody samotné. Reagují slovně, jsou inspirovány k manuálním činnostem. Mají volnost pro individuální hru i společné aktivity.
Nejedeme na celý den do přírody proto, abychom plnili nějaký speciální program. Maximálně vnímáme přírodu i všechny své kamarády, kteří jsou tu s námi. To je smyslem našeho pobytu zde.
Do naší domovské, městské mateřské školy si přivezeme dojmy a zážitky, nasbírané přírodniny. Různé plody, větvičky, panenky z trávy atp. jsou pak přirozenou součástí dětských her, výtvarných, řemeslných činností, slouží k výzdobě třídy.

Jediné, co zůstává neměnné (v Lesní školce v Podolí i v Olomouci), je čas a forma uvítacího rituálu (společný pozdrav, píseň v kruhu), společná svačina, oběd, odpočinek po obědě s pohádkou.
V případě nepohody využíváme „domeček“ Lesní školky Rarášek. Je to velmi netradiční „chaloupka“ zbudovaná z přírodních materiálů, s citem pro okolní krajinu i účel, kterému slouží.

How the Native American population within the US elevated 87% says greater approximately whiteness than approximately demographics

Circe Sturm received investment for her studies in this subject matter from the American Council of Learned Societies and the National Endowment for the Humanities Residential Fellowship at the School of American Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
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The Native American populace in the U.S. grew by means of a amazing 86.5% among 2010 and 2020, consistent with the modern day U.S. Census – a charge demographers say is not possible to gain without immigration.
Birth rates amongst Native Americans don’t give an explanation for the large rise in numbers. And there truly is no evidence of an inflow of Native American expatriates returning to the U.S.
Instead, those who formerly recognized as white at the moment are claiming to be Native American.
This developing motion has been captured by way of terms like “pretendian” and “wannabe.”
Another manner to explain this latest adoption of Native American identity is what I name “racial transferring.”
These humans are fleeing not from political and social persecution, however from whiteness.
I spent 14 years getting to know the subject and interviewing dozens of race-shifters for my e-book “Becoming Indian.” I discovered that even as a number of these humans have strong evidence of Native American ancestry, others do now not.
Yet almost all of the 45 people who had been interviewed or surveyed for the e book consider they have Indigenous ancestry and that it manner some thing powerful about who they may be and how they have to stay their lives. Only a tiny – however troubling – number makes blatantly fraudulent claims to boost their personal interests.

The search for meaning that characterizes racial shifting is part of an antique American tale.
Since the days of the Boston Tea Party, whilst almost 100 American colonists wearing Native American apparel earlier than throwing ninety five heaps of British tea into the Boston Harbor, white Americans have prominent themselves from Europeans by using selectively adopting Native American imagery and practices.
Yet as historian Philip Deloria argued in his 1998 e book, “Playing Indian,” some thing happened in American society within the Fifties and 1960s that allowed white Americans more freedom to appropriate nonwhite identities. White Americans, frequently with the encouragement of the counterculture and later New Age actions, commenced to searching for new meanings in Indigenous cultures.
Those shifts are reputedly pondered in U.S. Census information. The Native American population started out increasing at a dramatic rate in the Sixties, developing from 552,000 to 9.7 million in 60 years. Prior to then, the Native American population have been enormously strong.
What distinguishes cutting-edge racial moving from those earlier sorts of appropriation is that most race shifters see themselves no longer as white folks that “play Indian,” however as long-unrecognized American Indians who've been forced by historic circumstances to “play white.”
Many argue, as an example, that their households prevented anti-Indian guidelines like removal by means of mixing into white society.
This gradual but fundamental shift over the past 60 years indicates a seismic upheaval inside the American racial panorama.
Racial moving is a rejection of the centuries-lengthy manner of assimilation, when unique racial and ethnic corporations have been forced to adopt white norms of conduct as a way of fitting into an American society that become defined through them. Racial hierarchies that constantly vicinity whiteness on the top are now being challenged.
When speakme to me approximately their former white lives, racial shifters regularly described a period of disappointment when they searched for which means and connection. Only once they began to appearance to their family histories did they realize all that were misplaced whilst their households assimilated into whiteness. As one woman from Missouri put it: “They pressured us to be white, act white, live white, and that could be a very, very degrading feeling.”
The genealogical and ancient information might not usually be verifiable, however the emotions are real enough. It makes ideal sense that after race shifters link their depression to assimilation, they try to ease their unhappiness by using rejecting whiteness and reclaiming an Indigenous fame.
Part of what money owed for these new sentiments are big changes inside the public’s dialogue approximately race.
In the wake of Sixties civil rights activism and debates about multiculturalism, whiteness has taken on an increasing number of negative connotations.
In my interviews with race shifters, for instance, they often associated their former whiteness with racial and cultural emptiness.
As one lady put it: “We had an emptiness internal folks, that we did not know who we had been or what we have been.” They additionally related whiteness with social isolation, unearned privilege and guilt over colonialism and slavery.
Today there's developing insecurity about what it manner to be white in America. We see this being expressed in public debates approximately white fragility, affirmative action and colorblind policies. Of path, there’s nonetheless a whole lot security in being white: White privilege is an ongoing fact of American lifestyles, and some thing maximum white humans and white racial shifters take without any consideration.
This shift from white to Indigenous self-identity is, I believe, essentially approximately a desire to go away behind the poor connotations of whiteness and move closer to the cloth and symbolic values that now attach to Native American identification.
If you pay attention only to racial shifters, this developing trend might be visible as a innovative pass that demanding situations the legacy of a racist machine.
Yet the residents of federally identified tribes offer a special interpretation.
Most view absolutely everyone who self-identifies as Native American without being an enrolled citizen of a federally recognized tribe as a risk to tribal sovereignty. As Richard Allen, a former coverage analyst with the Cherokee Nation, told me, “Not most effective is that an insult, but it’s additionally an assault on our sovereignty as Cherokee people, because the Cherokee Nation.”
Among American Indians, the time period sovereignty is used to claim ongoing rights of political self-determination. Because tribes have the sovereign proper to determine their own citizenry, American Indian identification is essentially a political repute, no longer a racial one, a truth this is regularly unnoticed in debates approximately Indigenous identity.
Racial shifters also undermine tribal sovereignty while they devise alternative tribes for themselves outside the federal acknowledgment method. Most of these corporations, together with the Echota Cherokee Tribe or the Southeastern Cherokee Confederacy, have emerged since the past due Seventies.
The quantity of these new self-identified tribes is startling. Over the route of my studies, I found 253 groups scattered across the U.S. that identify as a few type of Cherokee tribe.
This is a large number thinking about that there are simplest 573 federally recognized tribes, three of which might be Cherokee.
Racial shifting is a growing demographic fashion this is creating confusion inside the public sphere approximately who is Native American and who isn’t. But its chance is some distance extra than simply social confusion.
Native Americans and their governments face lots of race-shifters searching for to enroll in their ranks. And as more and more humans reject whiteness in favor of indigeneity, they achieve this on the fee of tribal sovereignty.
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Lektoři:Helena Dolénková
Hana Valová


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