zpět na detail: Příčiny promiskuity a sexuální výchova
Vybrala jsem si workshop Příčiny promiskuity a sexuální výchova, a to z toho důvodu, že většině lidí tato slova nejdou vůbec přes pysky a navíc mě inspirovala Mgr. Marie Zajícová, která dne 4. 11. 2010 na toto téma dokázala otevřeně mluvit a diskutovat s námi. Nehledě na to, že jakožto budoucí pedagog shledávám přímo jako nutnost umět na toto téma mluvit s dětmi a mládeží a i jejich rodiči.
Promiskuita a sexuální výchova je pro mnohé tabu. Respektive umění pohovořit
či objasnit již výše zmíněné téma. Ale proč tomu tak je? Proč mnozí rodiče či pedagogové nedokážou čelit ratolestem dychtících po informacích a vysvětlení?
Největším tahounem proti sexuální výchově shledávám náboženství. Snaha udržet si sexuální monopol je stále evidentní, nicméně si myslím, že to jen společnosti škodí. Mladí lidé by měli být včas informováni, o tom, co všechno sex obnáší. Že to není jen potěšení, ale je to i zodpovědnost. Zodpovědnost vůči jeho vlastní osobě a i vůči partnerovi. Co tím mám na mysli? Kupříkladu pohlavní choroby, nechráněný styk, antikoncepce…
Z médií se každou chvíli dovídáme o nějakém případu, který vznikl na základě zanedbání sexuální výchovy. Proč si mládež myslí, že „když je to poprvé“, nemůže se nic stát? Proč se cítí trapně při zakoupení kondomu? A to nemluvě o tom, že ho kolikrát ani neumí nasadit… Není na čase „nastavit záda“ starším nábožensky založeným generacím a nové generace dostatečně včas informovat? Otázka je, kdy nadchází včasný okamžik? Když nyní přijde na 1. stupeň základní školy dítě informované od rodičů do školy a podělí se o skutečnosti se spolužáky, tak zde následující den máme dav rozhněvaných rodičů, jak je to možné, že dítě něco takového ví, a dožadují se „dopadení viníka“. Na 2. stupni základní školy už je většina dívek a i chlapců plodná. Možná, že nyní nastává vhodný okamžik pro informování. Ale jak to zařídit, když předmět sexuální výchova ve výuce chybí a učitel/ka rodinné výchovy není schopný/á na toho téma hovořit? Vzpomínám si, jak se právě naše učitelka „rodinky“ tématu sex vyhýbala. Nakonec jsme se s trochou nadsázky dozvěděli, že holky mají vagínu a kluci mají penis a že nejlepší antikoncepce je abstinence… Jenže kde to jsme? Tohle má stačit? Ale abych základní škole úplně nekřivdila, musím uznat,
že pro nás bylo uspořádáno sezení s odbornicí. Holky a kluci zvlášť. Nicméně v deváté třídě základní školy mi to přijde trošku pozdě…
Nicméně se vraťme k fámám a mediálním případům. Velmi mě udivil a až pobavil článek vypovídající o situaci v Polsku. Zde snad platí takové pravidlo, které zakazuje informovat o sexu. A pokud už se k mládeži nějaké informace dostanou, tak je to z úst jeptišek vyučujících na náboženských školách. Nevím jak vy, ale já si svůj obrázek o tom, jak taková polská hodina sexuální výchovy asi vypadá, udělala sama. Zvláště když na to není vyhraněn specifický čas, ale žáci si tuto tématiku žádají v hodinové dotaci jiných předmětů.
Disagreement can become an act of affection and reconciliation
Penelope Andrews does no longer paintings for, seek advice from, very own stocks in or get hold of funding from any corporation or organisation that might advantage from this text, and has disclosed no applicable affiliations beyond their educational appointment.
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Many humans locate the very concept of confrontation, and of disagreeing with any other man or women face to face, terrifying. They arrange their private and professional lives to keep away from disagreements of any type – especially those that may generate a few degree of emotional soreness.
The roots of this mind-set can be located in a selection of things: cultural norms, character psychological makeup, gender, race, poverty and different styles of marginalisation. Women, as an instance, have historically been socialised to be agreeable, to acquiesce and to comply.
Under apartheid “baasskap”, or white electricity, ensured that black South Africans “knew their area”. Being impartial of thought or disagreeing with a white man or woman face to face should bring about huge trouble. A tremendously conditioned and contrived air of settlement have become an act of survival for black South Africans.
Today, South Africa is on an often untidy adventure in the direction of a democratic destiny. It has officially eliminated colonialism, apartheid and patriarchy. But the vestiges stay. To project those, the country may have to build a mental infrastructure a good way to enable people to personally and together have interaction in a bold, courageous and truthful talk. South Africans will have to discover ways to candidly confront the various disagreements which can be so apparent in their midst.
What function can universities, and particularly law faculties, play in constructing this mental infrastructure?
There are some places where disagreements are intrinsic to the whole company. Disagreement is a learning enjoy. Learning comes about thru war of words. Conclusions or “truths” are reached via a process of argument and counterargument. Logic and reasoned evaluation are the first-class method of persuasion. I am referring right here, of route, to universities and – given my personal unique hobby – law faculties.
Law faculties ought to teach the subsequent technology of criminal professionals who may additionally turn out to be advocates for others. For the scholar, this means numerous things: highbrow disruptions, confronting uncomfortable truths, dealing with insecurities and fears, and developing the potential to engage intelligently and efficaciously in civil debates. All of this has to show up on the direction toward turning into a nicely-rounded, empathetic prison professional.
The advocacy machine inside the global of law is primarily based at the belief that the closest reality and the fairest final results result from two opposing factors of view, both strenuously asserted. Presentation to a judge is known as oral argument. But even some legally educated human beings, which include prison academics, shy away from full of life debate of their non-public or elements in their professional lives. They worry that arguing is perceived as antagonistic or a manner to silence or demean some other.
During 2015, starting with the #Rhodes Must Fall movement on the University of Cape Town and accompanied by other movements across South Africa, college students forced universities to interact in a countrywide communique approximately the 1994 transition to democracy. Students voiced their displeasure loudly and vociferously. They imposed across universities a variety of divisive and uncomfortable encounters and conversations, specifically around race and “white privilege”.
One of the scholars’ demands changed into for “safe areas” throughout campuses, a name which has also emerged at US and UK universities in current years. In South Africa, college students insisted they shouldn’t have to confront consistent reminders of the united states’s authoritarian colonial beyond.
But the desire for “safe areas”, although properly-intentioned, often allows room simplest for placard-equipped and bumper-sticker statements – no longer reasoned argument and persuasion. It additionally reinforces preexisting views that similarly entrench bias and polarisation – a phenomenon called “affirmation bias”. It precludes open and honest communicate about weighty societal troubles which could name for nuance and complexity.
As US President Barack Obama placed it in the course of a speech in London in April 2016:
If you spend time with individuals who just accept as true with you on any precise trouble, you turn out to be even more excessive to your convictions due to the fact you’re never contradicted and everyone simply mutually reinforces their attitude.
As I’ve said, this reticence can be a end result of lifestyle or socialisation. Yet amongst many individuals, households, cultures and subcultures, arguing is the manner to reveal being concerned and engagement. It enables people to absolutely and transparently attain information and possibly reconciliation. That has been real for me, developing up in Cape Town’s Coloured network and additionally, in my enjoy, a few of the African-American and Jewish communities in my former domestic in New York City.
These instructions may be carried out in universities.
In the placing of a college war of words should be visible not as a negative impulse or hobby, however as an act of affection and reconciliation. It is signalling that one cares enough about every other’s opinion to interact deeply and query so that you can apprehend. It is ready running via opposing viewpoints to reach a commonplace understanding, even without closing settlement. It is about enticing with the alternative in a respectful way with the aid of signalling the significance of such engagement.
Honest arguments respectfully made might also result in a deeper understanding, coming to phrases with distinction, and probable even reconciliation and compromise. On the opposite hand, feigned settlement and acquiescence inside the face of confrontation, even as disregarding the argument of any other, threat greater false impression and mistrust.
When war of words is an act of love, even an from time to time raised voice does no longer denote an effort to silence the other individual. Rather, it’s a signal of engagement and an invitation to take part in a lively exchange. How can universities, in particular regulation colleges, permit this?
In the wake of continued contestation around the that means, role and opportunities of the Constitution, regulation faculties are properly-proper to create the distance wherein contestation and speak are nurtured and sustained. The content of character lessons offer quality venues for debate and confrontation.
For instance, publications in belongings regulation may confront the violence of land confiscation from indigenous groups for the duration of colonialism and apartheid, and what which means for the present day beneficiaries of such land confiscation. A route on criminal regulation may confront the regulation of rape and its effect on victims and society beyond the formal criminal rules concerning rape.
Structures could also be added that inspire speak. UCT’s Law Faculty holds assemblies which might be open to all group of workers and students to discuss gadgets of relevance and issue. Or regulation schools ought to host public conversations that cowl debatable topics, including an occasion about race, regulation and transformation that UCT hosted earlier in 2016.
After all, the talent of dialogue, disagreement and argumentation is the bread and butter of law; one of its most fantastic capabilities. It can also be one in every of its most durable contributions to South African democracy.
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